Anupama Upcoming Story: Vanraj feels jealous of Anuj

Anupama Upcoming Story: Vanraj feels jealous of Anuj

Anupama Upcoming Story:

In the upcoming episodes of Anupama, Vanraj will get jealous of Anuj for presenting the business plan in the meeting.

So far in Anupama’s story, Anupama and Anuj walk together back to their home while having a deep and soft conversation.

Anupama states to Anuj that she doesn’t care whether he is the owner or not of the property, she will always respect him as a person.

On the other hand, Malvika offers Kavya a job in their start-up project but Vanraj refuses to let Kavya work with him.

Anupama confesses that she loves Anuj to Jignesh but stops him from telling the truth to Anuj.

She asks him to wait till the relationship between Anuj and Malvika resolves and promises to confess herself to Anuj.

Now as per the gossips of Anupama, Vanraj will prepare the presentation for the project of the Vanika team works but Malvika will ask Anuj to present it in the meeting.

Vanraj will not complain about it but Anupama will notice his restless behavior during the meeting.

He will feel jealous of Anuj getting the spotlight, according to the spoilers of Anupama.

Let’s see how things take their turn between Anuj, Anupama, Malvika, and Vanraj in the upcoming episodes of Anupama.

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