Imli Upcoming Story: Imlie is shattered by Malini's behavior

Imli Upcoming Story: Imlie is shattered by Malini's behavior

Imli Upcoming Story:

In the future Imlie serial episodes, Malini will tell the Home Minister that she is the only wife of Aditya while Imlie will look on.

So far in Imli story, Imlie told the family that she will bring Aditya back on her own if they don't help her while Malini took Dev's help.

Further, in the latest episode of Imli, Imlie sat in front of the Home Minister's house searching for a chance to talk to them.

Now as per the upcoming twists of Imli, Imlie will manage to meet Home Mister while Dev and Malini come there with the appointment.

The prime minister will inform that the terrorist is on call and will allow only Aditya's wife to let them talk.

Imli will extend her hand when Malini says that she is only Aditya's wife while Imlie will look only according to the spoilers of the Imli serial.

Let's see what new will happen next in the future gossips of Imli's upcoming episodes.

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