Katha Ankahee 12th May 2023 Written Update

Katha Ankahee 12th May 2023 Written Update

Katha Ankahee 12th May 2023 Written Update: Katha Ankahi written update

Today's Katha Ankahee 12th May 2023 episode starts with Katha feeling indecisive about calling Viaan as she does not find Viaan in his office.

She puts her phone back in her pocket as Jeetu Bhai approaches her, announcing that Viaan wants Katha to lead today's Lonavla project meeting with the investors.

Jeetu Bhai clarifies that Viaan has gone for some personal work and that Ehsan is also busy while Katha starts panicking, claiming that she cannot make decisions on behalf of Viaan but she finally agrees after a while.

Afterward, Katha is advising some workers on some projects when her phone rings suddenly so she excuses herself to pick it up.

She quickly detects the hesitation in Kailash’s voice as he reminds her that they have a spare car in the house so she encourages him to speak further.

Kailash starts stuttering a bit suddenly but he finally requests Katha to use the spare car in one breath and Katha teasingly asks him if he is not going to give her a driver with it.

He tries to reason with her, claiming that Katha already works too much yet Katha gently makes him understand that trains are more convenient for her.

At the same time, Reet appears in the hall and her skin prickles out of jealousy as soon as she realizes that Kailash is talking to Katha on call so she figures out that she needs to do something.

Kailash then sits down after cutting the call and Reet tries to instigate him by lying that she advised Katha to stay away from Viaan as everyone knows Viaan’s attention but Kailash shuts her up.

She twists her words in such a way that it gives the impression that Katha thinks Viaan is the best person in the world with a smirk on her face while Kailash angrily orders Reet to focus on her kids.

On the other hand, Viaan stops his car in front of Seema Dutta’s apartment and as he comes out of the car, he mutters that it is way harder than it looks.

He says that he needs to do this for himself and Katha and deep down he knows that Katha is with him even if she is not physically here.

With a deep breath, Viaan whispers that he hopes Katha remains with him throughout this now, and with this said, he enters Seema Dutta's building complex.

In Earthcon, Katha is also lost in her thoughts when the contractors enter the meeting room along with Jeetu Bhai and Katha very skillfully cuts down the quotation cost after advising the contractor to use local people for work purposes.

Jeetu praises Katha, saying that Viaan knows Katha's ability which is why he assigned her to this which makes Katha think about Viaan with a faraway look on her face.

Meanwhile, Viaan enters Seema's apartment with uncertainty as he is unsure what to expect and when Seema appears in front of him, Viaan's pent-up anger surfaces on his face.

His forehead veins start throbbing as he informs Seema that he is here today to release the fist which he is holding from his childhood and Seema only replies that she does not recognize him at all.

With shock, Viaan starts reminding Seema about how he as a child kept waiting for Viraj when Seema took his father away from him and how his mother and he hates Seema for this.

Each word that comes out of Viaan's mouth stabs him in his heart like a knife yet he keeps going on while Seema simply replies that she does not know any Viraj Raghuvanshi.

She offers Viaan a glass of water but Viaan just angrily walks out of the apartment as tears threaten him to spill down his eyes.

However, Viaan does not notice Vaniya's presence near the door who has hidden behind a corner after noticing Viaan leaving.

To download Katha Ankahe Hindi Serial all episodes or watch today full episode (12 May 2023) online, go to sonyliv.com

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