Bhagya Lakshmi 23rd May 2024 Written Update

Bhagya Lakshmi 23rd May 2024 Written Update

Today's Bhagya Lakshmi episode starts with the doctor checking Paro and saying that her head is injured and as she is small in age the injury has major affects.

He adds, he'll give an injection to Paro to get relief but she'll be asleep for sometime but there is nothing to worry as she is fine.

After which, Rohan talks with an unconscious Paro and tells her to not worry as everything is fine also he is with her.

Meanwhile, Dadi sees Lakshmi and gets emotional after which Lakshmi goes to Dadi then takes her blessings while Dadi asks her to always be happy and be with her.

She adds, that she doesn't want to know about Lakshmi's last seven years as she is just happy with the fact she is alive.

On the other hand, Karishma questions Malishka that why she didn't tell her about Lakshmi while Malishka lies that she also got to know about Lakshmi at kidnapping spot and she was so worried about Rohit at that time so can't inform her.

There, Avinash overhears their conversation and asks if Lakshmi is alive then why she didn't come back while Ayush tries to talk with Shalu but she behaves cold with him.

Further, Shalu congratulates Ayush for his marriage and walks away in the meantime they remember their past moments.

Meanwhile, the doctor gives an injection to Paro and Rohan worries for her after which the doctor instructs them that Paro will be asleep for sometime, in the meantime, they can massage at her neck injury with hot water bag.

After that, Dadi asks Lakshmi to go in the kitchen to prepare hot water bag and initially Lakshmi hesitates but then agrees.

There, Karishma says to Avinash that they don't want Lakshmi back in their house as he doesn't know how much Lakshmi was unlucky to them and now too Lakshmi maybe wants money from Rishi thus she has returned.

Just then, Shalu comes there and greets Avinash while Karishma starts insulting Shalu after which Lakshmi prepares hot water bag.

At the same time, Rishi comes there and asks her why she didn't tell him about Paro but Lakshmi says Paro isn't Rishi's daughter after which he talks about a father rights over a kid.

However, Lakshmi stays firm that Paro isn't Rishi's daughter but Rishi asks her to not lie due to her personal hatred towards him as he knows Paro is his daughter.

Further, Lakshmi taunts Rishi about Malishka and Rohan and Rishi tries to explain her but she leaves after which Karishma, Malishka, and Kiran keep badmouth Lakshmi and Shalu tries to defend her.

Just then, Lakshmi comes and asks Shalu to go back with her but Karishma continues to taunt her after which Rishi comes and reveals Paro is Lakshmi's daughter.

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