Radha Mohan 23rd May 2024 Written Update

Radha Mohan 23rd May 2024 Written Update

Today's Radha Mohan episode starts with Ajeet saying to Ketki that if Mohan is saying Manan is his son then it would be truth as father's heart never lie.

Meanwhile, Kadambari gets shocked and thinks how it can happen as she knows Radha and Mohan never consummated their marriage.

Further, Ketki states that Manan isn't Mohan's son and even if he is then what Radha is happy in life with her husband and son while Mohan is suffering.

She adds, that Meera loves Mohan a lot but he doesn't pay attention to her there Radha... just then Ketki stops as she listens Mohan's voice.

Mohan asks her to continue as he wants to know how much hatred Ketki has for Radha while Ketki asks Mohan to move on in the life as Radha has her husband and son.

Then, she says only Mohan is suffering from all those years while Radha is happy while she wants she should be sad but Mohan says Radha isn't happy without him.

However, Ketki doesn't believe him and says today she'll confront Radha in front of all even Yug should get to know her past and leaves.

Meanwhile, the family members follows her except Kadambari who thinks Ketki shouldn't do anything to create a problem for her.

There, Ketki comes to Radha's house to create a scene while Mohan stops her whispering to her that she shouldn't create a scene otherwise she'll see his dead face.

After that, Ketki stays silent while Mohan makes an excuse for Ketki's behaviour and Yug asks Mohan to control his family as they are always worried due to Manan's accident.

Then, Trivedi's family leave the place while Yug relaxes but then decides to go out to take fresh air after which Radha tries to make Manan sleep but he is scared of hoody man.

Further, Radha gives Manan some blocks to play to divert her while Poonam asks her to get fresh in the meantime she'll be with Manan.

On the other hand, Yug falls slipping from the marbles while Gungun comes there saying sorry and explaining that she was playing with marbles.

After that, she tries to check Yug's wound under the pretext of caring for him but Yug stops her and warns her indirectly while Gungun understands that Yug is a dangerous man if he has tried to harm Manan.

Meanwhile, Yug decides to kill Gungun before that she can decode his truth after which at Trivedi's house Ketki asks Mohan to reveal Radha's truth to everyone if he wants clarification.

However, Mohan says that Radha will come back to him and confess that she loves him after which he plays flute.

There, Radha listens to it which makes her remember their past moments so she comes to Mohan.

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