Anupama 23rd May 2024 Written Update

Anupama 23rd May 2024 Written Update

Today's Anupama episode starts with Adhya liking the decoration of her birthday party but she gets to know that Anu did the decoration after which she gets angry and ruins the decoration.

Meanwhile, the food critic comes to spice and chutney and meets Anu and her team Anuj murmurs that Anu asked him to send Adhya's reaction video after seeing the decoration but Adhya is not interested in things done by her.

Anu introduces her staff with the food critic whereas Adhya cries in her room and says that she hates Anu while Shruti feels bad for her and goes to meet her.

Shruti tries to console her and asks her to not spoil her birthday just because of Anu after which Adhya asks why Anuj gives so much preference to Anupama.

Then, Shruti tells her that Anuj equally contributed to the decoration and she tells her that her birthday is equally important for her and Anuj.

She tells Adhya that she is thinking of celebrating Adhya's birthday in a good restaurant after that she asks her to get ready on time after that Adhya hugs her and thanks her for caring for her.

On the other hand, Anu offers her special dish to the food critic which they like the most, and praises Anu for it after that she gives the menu to them.

Food Cr chooses the food from it whereas Yash comes to the spice and chutney and he prays to god for good review of spice and chutney.

Meanwhile, customers come in spice and chutney and they order Indian dishes that are not mentioned on the menu so the food critic asks her how does she manages.

Anu says that she is a mother and she is managing how to cook dishes at last time so all these things are helping her in her workplace.

Adhay asks for an apology from Anuj for overreacting after that she hugs Anuj and says that now she is fine while Anuj hugs her then she holds her ears and feels guilty.

Anuj forgives her and wishes her a happy birthday after that Adhaya tells him that Shruti organized her birthday party in a hotel so they will go there and celebrate.

She goes to invite her friends while Anuj thanks Shruti for doing so much for Adhya after that she tells Anuj that Adhya is her daughter too and says that Adhya needs her, not Anupama.

On the other hand, Anu serves Indian dishes to the food critics and explains about it after that food critic asks what is in the main course then Anu asks her if she should serve food of her own will.

Then, the Food critic allows her to cook food of her own choice whereas a customer bursts over Toshu for serving the wrong dish to him and Shruti asks Anuj to tell Anu to leave their house because Adhay is uncomfortable with her.

Anu goes to make the food while Yash does all the legal formalities of spice and chutney and murmurs that Anu will be happy to know about it.

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